By: Mayamiko Phiri.

Minister of agriculture Sam Kawale has applauded Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa( AGRA) for it’s efforts in uplifting the agricultural sector in the country.

Kawale made the sentiment recently during the working session of States in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) regional countries at BICC hotel in Lilongwe.

The minister commended AGRA for it’s partnership with the government in a quest to transform the agricultural sector in the country.

He further made commitment that the government through it’s proposed budget will be making investments in irrigation and assist youths working in agricultural sector in several forms like capacity building.

In her remarks, AGRA Malawi country director Eluphy Banda Nyirenda, revealed that AGRA has already approved projects that will go towards creating work opportunities for youths working in agricultural sector.

Alliance for a green revolution in Africa which was founded in 2006 is an Africa led organization that seeks to catalyse agriculture transformation in Africa.

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