By Our reporter

Prophet Dr. Joseph Nyasulu of Christ Healing Church in conjunction with an Australian based organization, Kingdom Care International on Friday donated houses worth 6.9 million kwacha to three needy families around Bokosala village in the area Traditional Authority (TA) Chakhaza in Dowa district.

Speaking during the handover ceremony, Prophet Nyasulu said was attached with the story of the said three families.

“I am happy that today we are here to hand over these houses to these three families. They can now have peaceful nights without worrying if the houses will fall in their sleep,“ said Nyasulu.

According to Nyasulu after seeing the situation the three families were passing through he decided to work with the Australian based organization, Kingdom Care International to bail then out.

He said as a man of God, the Bible teaches them to help the needy.

“This is not the first time I worked with Kingdom Care International to bail out the needy community. Early this month the same organization donated K5.6 million borehole to the same community of Bokosala,” he added.

One of the beneficiaries, Clara Piki who is a single mother of three thanked the Prophet as well as Kingdom Care International for the donation.

According to her, together with her children they were using a dilapidated house which was threat to their lives.
“We were spending the whole night without sleeping especially during the rain season as the house had no roof. But with this donation, that will be a history,” she said.

In the past, Prophet Dr. Joseph Nyasulu together with Kingdom Care International have been helping the needy in the same area.

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