Some families at Jenda Trading Centre in Mzimba have been rendered homeless after heavy and incessant rains that have been falling in the district since Saturday destroyed their houses.

Most houses have collapsed whilst others have had their roofs blown off.

Acting Disaster Officer for Mzimba District, Jacob Mkandawire, confirmed the incident in an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Thursday.

Mkandawire said officials are on the ground to establish the extent of the damage.

“We have received reports pertaining to falling of houses at Jenda, especially at Section 10, due to the heavy rains but we are still gathering information to establish the extent of the damage and the number of people affected so that we act,” said Mkandawire.

According to Public Relations Officer for Jenda Police, Mcfarlen Mseteka, the rains have resulted to the collapse of about 50 houses.

“We are on the ground at Section 10 doing surveillance of the area. Our count, so far, shows 50 houses have collapsed but we are waiting for an official report from the Department of Disaster Management Affairs,” said Mseteka.

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