Paul Alexander, known as “The Man in the Iron Lung,” passed away at the age of 78 after spending over 70 years in the iron lung machine. His death was confirmed by a fundraiser for his healthcare on Monday, March 11. Christopher Ulmer, the organizer and disability-rights activist, shared the news on Alexander’s GoFundMe page, describing him as an incredible role model whose story positively influenced people worldwide.

Contracting polio at the age of six left Alexander paralyzed from the neck down, necessitating him to rely on the iron lung machine for breathing. Despite his condition, he accomplished remarkable feats, including becoming a published author and a lawyer. Alexander’s determination led him to graduate high school and attend university despite his physical limitations.

Throughout his life, Alexander fought for disability rights, staged sit-ins, and authored his memoir, “Three Minutes for a Dog: My Life in an Iron Lung,” which he wrote painstakingly with a pen attached to a stick in his mouth. He celebrated his 78th birthday on January 30, 2024, having outlived his parents, brother, and even his original iron lung.

Despite advancements in medical technology, Alexander chose to stick with the iron lung, which became synonymous with his identity.

With the support of his caregiver, Kathy Gaines, Alexander achieved his dreams, traveled, and found love. Gaines, who was visually impaired, stood by Alexander’s side for over three decades, embodying his arms and legs.

Alexander’s life and accomplishments have left a lasting impact, with many expressing condolences and gratitude for his inspirational journey on various social media platforms.

Iron lung man, Paul alexander, dies at 78 after spending 70 years living inside iron tank

Iron lung man, Paul alexander, dies at 78 after spending 70 years living inside iron tank

Iron lung man, Paul alexander, dies at 78 after spending 70 years living inside iron tank

Iron lung man, Paul alexander, dies at 78 after spending 70 years living inside iron tank

Iron lung man, Paul alexander, dies at 78 after spending 70 years living inside iron tank

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