The Mangochi Senior Resident Magistrate Court has convicted and sentenced 32 years old Martha Victor to three years imprisonment and hard labor for injuring her 4 year old step son.

The report shows that the convict married the victim’s father and found the victim as her husband’s only child, the father works in chiradzulu but he only visits his family every month. During his recent visit on February 2024, the husband found his child in a bad condition with a swollen face, black eyes and bruises on both hands.

Namaona indicated that upon questioning the victim, he revealed that his stepmother had been mistreating him whenever his father is away.

“He was assaulted and pushed down for urinating inside the house, resulting in his injuries” namaona said.

Mangochi police public relation officer, inspector Amina Daudi said tat te incident was reported to tHe police and the victim was issued a referral letter to mangochi district hospital.

The convict pleaded guilty to the charge of Acts intended to cause grievous harm and requested leniency, citing her 3 year old child would suffer if she was imprisoned.

Prosecutor Namaona argued that the convict behaviour endangered an innocent child’s life and pleaded for custodial sentence.

Martha victor hails from mtalika village, sub traditional authority chiponde in mangochi district.

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