The Kandewe Suspension Bridge in Rumphi, is a tourist attraction of historical significance of Malawi.

The pedestrian bridge, believed to have been established around 1904, remains operational today, with maintenance and upkeep overseen by the surrounding villages and communities as part of the Kandewe cultural heritage.

The bridge was constructed from a combination of wood branches, bamboo, vines, and steel ropes, the bridge spans the South Rukuru River in Northern region of Malawi.

The bridge is under Kandewe Heritage Center, Bale, Rumphi, Situated along the M1 road at Bale, Phwezi, Kandewe village which was initially settled by the Phoka communities, predominantly descended from the Nyika Plateau.

Meanwhile, other ethnic groups, including the Henga Tumbuka and minorities from across Malawi, have joined the Phoka people in the area.

Here Are some shots captured at the bridge courtesy of Adventures with Colby

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Kandewe Suspension Bridge In Rumphi Malawi


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