Police in Lilongwe have arrested a 49-year-old man who was playing as a fake witchdoctor for allegedly swindling his customer K150,000 and then abandoning him at a graveyard.

Lingadzi Police Station Public Relations Officer Sergeant Cassim Manda has confirmed of the arrest and identified the suspect as Stonard Sandifolo.

According to Manda, it is indicating that the suspect is reported to have approached the male victim and tricked him that he was money multiplier.

“After being swayed, the victim was told to buy a non alcoholic drink and an egg, which Sandifolo claimed were the necessary items for the money ritual,” Manda said.

They both went to a nearby graveyard, where the botched cash transaction was to go down.

“The suspect went deep into the graveyard, leaving the victim behind with a promise to return the money.”

The victim waited for up to 3 hours but Sandifolo was a no-show.

He then reported the matter to Lingadzi Police Station after noticing that he was duped.

Stonard Sandifolo hails from Buleya village, Traditional Authority Mwanza in Salima district

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