Two men identified as Saidi James, 20, of Chigwamowa village and Mphatso Kachepa, 27, of Lifuwu village have been arrested by Lingadzi Police for stealing 24 bottles of Nyasa beer.
Lingadzi Police Station Publicist Sergeant Cassim Manda has confirmed of the arrest indicating that during the odd hours of the night of April 9th, 2024 the suspects and two other accomplices entered a liquor shop at Mtandire on pretext of being potential customers.
“A salesman, who also uses the shop as a resting place, told the men that he has closed the shop but the suspects still insisted that they be served,” Manda said.
The suspected criminals, who were armed with dangerous weapons, threatened his life unless he handed them alcohol soon after the salesman had opened the shop’s door.
“Fearing for his dear life, the complainant obliged and gave the group 24 bottles of Nyasaland beer, fortunately, he noticed two of them and he reported the matter to Lingadzi Police Station,” he explained.
The two were nabbed by police following a manhunt and they voluntarily admitted to Police of being behind a series of robberies at ABC junction.
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