Well-known musician Fredokiss, real name Penjani Kalua has announced that he contest as Member of Parliament for Blantyre-south constituency in 2025 Tripartite election.

This will be his second time to contest as a member of parliament, as he tried his luck in 2019 but didn’t manage to beat Noel Lipipa.

“I am excited to announce my candidacy for Member of Parliament in 2025, representing zingwangwa-soche constituency, Together lets work towards a brighter future for our community,” wrote Kalua on his official facebook page.

Fredokiss is an inspiration for every youth in the country due to the messages of hope he preaches via his facebook page and his music.

Kalua is a member of the United Transformation Movement (UTM) owned by State Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima.

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