By Warder Lughano Bato and Warder Samson Chitsamba

Blantyre prison and other Stakeholders recently commemorated prison health day with various activities aimed at promoting the well-being of inmates.

The event, held on the 13th of April, 2024, serves as a reminder of the importance of health and wellness within correctional facilities.

Speaking at the event, the RCO South, Zacheus  M’bawa, DCP,  discouraged inmates’ tendecies of having inappropriate sexual relationships with each other, saying it increases their chances of contraction Hiv and Aids.

The representative for the stakeholders present at the function, like NAC, Blantyre DHO, EGPAF and PSI Malawi continued to sensitise the inmates on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, how they can be contracted and how they can be prevented.

The event was also spiced up with some edutainment stage plays from Blantyre Prison Officers, Inmates Cultural troops’ Gule wankulu, Ching’aning’ani and Giling’ande Mr Shoprite Comedy.

The significance of observing prison health day cannot be understated, as the incarcerated population often faces unique health challenges that require specialized care. In many cases, inmates come from disadvantaged backgrounds and may have limited access to quality healthcare. By organizing events like the one at Blantyre prison, authorities can raise awareness about the importance of regular health check-ups, vaccinations, and disease prevention strategies.

This proactive approach to healthcare not only benefits the inmates themselves but also helps to reduce healthcare costs in the long run.

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