Thyolo First Grade Magistrate Court has convicted and ordered two men Gift Namaya 43 and Moses Chitimbe 19 to pay a fine of K450, 000 and K100, 000 and in default to spend 20 months and 12 months imprisonment with hard labour respectively for cultivating and found in possession of cannabis sativa without permit.

The court heard through Sub Inspector Felix Senzani that the duo on April 17, 2024 was apprehended after Thyolo Police conducted an intelligence driven exercise.

In court, Namaya and Chitimbe pleaded guilty to the charges leveled against them.

In submission, the state through Sub inspector Felix Senzani prayed for stiffer sentences saying the sentence should be a warning to other would be offenders.

The two convicts asked the court for leniency considering that they are first offenders.

Passing sentence, Magistrate Kondani Chinangwa concurred with the state and ordered the two convicts to pay a fine of K450, 000 and K100, 000 each.

Both convicts hail from Ndalama Village, Traditional Authority Nchiramwa in the District and they have paid the fines.

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