The Chiradzulu First Grade Magistrate’s Court has convicted and sentenced Junior Manyenje, 25, and Rashid Imedi, 24, each to seven years imprisonment with hard for committing burglary and theft offences respectively.
The two are already serving a six year jail term each and were sentenced in the month of March for committing a similar offence in Bangwe.
The court heard through state Prosecutor Inspector Spenard Chankoma that the convicts on the night of January 17, 2024 broke into the boys quarters of Ajida Shakemore and went away with assorted items worth K840,000-00.
Appearing before court, both pleaded guilty to the charges leveled against them.
In submission, Chankoma asked for a stiffer punishment citing that the two are well known criminals and deserved to be punished.
Passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Smart Maruwasa concurred with the state hence added each seven years imprisonment with hard labour. The sentences will run consecutively.
Manyenje hails from Matumba village while Imedi hails from Nanyanga village, all from Traditional Authority Likoswe in Chiradzulu.
In a similar development, two other ex-convicts identified Christopher Maganga, 32, and Jafali Chitini, 40 have been convicted to six years imprisonment with hard labour for similar offences.
The two were connected and found guilty to a series of breakings that took place in the district.
Maganga hails from Mbaisa village, Traditional Authority Mpama while Chitini comes from Chisawo village, Traditional Authority Kadewere in the same district.
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