Former Zambia President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has President Hakainde Hichilema over a recent incident where law enforcers disrupted a church service to arrest Patriotic Front (PF) Member Martin Mbaya at Lusaka’s Bethel Christian Centre in Nyumba Yanga while praying.

Writing on his official facebook page Lungu expressed his sadness over Hakainde Hichilema’s silence on the matter.

“The unfortunate incident occurred in full view of his wife, children and other congregants that remain shocked today at the action of unruly DEC officers. From the church they drove him to his house where they broke down doors, stormed into his house and commenced a search, which I understand was for money, that could belong to “Edgar Lungu.”

“The search ensued from morning to midnight, but alas no money was found,” wrote Lungu.

He added: “My point here is that what happened to Martin could easily happen to any Zambian under the current administration of President Hakainde Hichilema where the rule of law is breaking down fast right in front of our eyes.”

The former President said Zambia is ‘a democratic state not a DICTATORSHIP.’

“The international community, the European Union group, Britain and the United States and fellow African embassies should take cognisance of these rising abuses under Mr Hichilema.

“In a democratic country governed by the rule of law, how can law enforcement agencies disrupt church proceedings with impunity, forcefully pick out a suspect whom you haven’t established a case against and bundle him into a car and break into his house?” he added.

Lungu has since urged all Zambians to unite and speak against injustices.

“I urge peace loving Zambians to speak out against rising abuses and shrinking democratic space because if we remain silent today it won’t be long before police start attacking people at funeral gatherings and hospitals.

“Crimes must be probed but let us remember that everyone is presumed innocent in Zambia until tried and found guilty by a competent court of law. I pray with you that our country doesn’t slide into total dictatorship soon,” he said.

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