President Lazarus Chakewera has opened the Takulandirani Malawi International Tourism Expo (MITE) in Lilongwe at BICC under the theme of “Ipatse Moto.

Chakwera during the opening ceremony said every Malawian should actively promote and support tourism in the country.

He also announced that Malawi will hold the board meeting of Global Fund that brings together over 100 dignitaries from around the world after competing against the rest of the member countries.

The president added that measures such as the removal of visa fees demonstrate the government’s commitment to promoting tourism for revenue generation.

He concluded that Malawians need to invest in tourism infrastructure development and stated that the government will continue to attract foreign investors to aid in the country’s tourism development.

Vera Kamtukule, Minister of Tourism said it’s time for Africans to come together and work together instead of them doing competition.

She appreciated the President efforts in revitalizing the tourism industry and integrating tourism into the Agriculture, Tourism, and Mining (ATM) strategy.

The Takulandirani Malawi International Tourism Expo will run for two days

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