Police in Chiradzulu have launched a manhunt for an angry mob suspected to have murdered an ex-convict in the district.

The deceased identified as Lemani Sitabuleki, is reported that he allegedly stabbed Darlington Tsesengwa, the owner of the cassava field, where Sitabuleki was stealing cassava tubes.

It has been established that the ex-convict Sitabuleki who is a habitual criminal has just been released from prison and allegedly stabbed Tsesengwa on the right hand side of the chest.

Spokesperson for Chiladzulu police has confirmed the development and said the incident took place on April 24, 2024 at around 00:24 hours at Ching’amba Village in the district.

It is in police records that Tsesengwa noticed that unknown people were stealing his crops in his garden and he decided to be guarding the field at times.

On April 23, 2024, at around 21:00 hours, he went to the garden and kept watching.

At about 00:15 hours, he saw Sitabuleki and other two unknown criminals uprooting cassava and packing them in their sacks.

Sensing danger, he went to a nearby house where he woke up and teamed up with other two. They together went back to the garden and hid somewhere to monitor them.

The three filled their sacks and carried them and as they were coming out of the garden, they intercepted them.

The other two ran away leaving their bags behind. The owner with assistance of his friends apprehended Sitabuleki and was being led to the village headman.

On the way, Sitabuleki became violent and drew a knife and stabbed the owner on the right hand side of the chest a development that fostered them to shout for help.

People responded positively in large number and from various directions and severely assaulted him, leaving him seemingly dead and in a pool of blood.

The matter was then reported to Chiradzulu Police Station who rushed to the scene and collected the dead body to Chiradzulu District Hospital where death was certified.

Postmortem conducted revealed that death was due to hemorrhage.

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