The Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) today has signed up a pact with the Musicians Union of Malawi (MUM) in order to promote the arts in the country.

MUST Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Wilson Mandala said that he noted that music has a special power in people’s lives, citing biblical songs that soothe tormented souls and national anthems that identify countries.

Mandala has offered the country’s musicians a degree study opportunity to authenticate their talent in a few years through the university’s African musicology programme so that Malawi’s talent can get global recognition.

MUM president, Vita Chirwa, said the union is very excited with the agreement, which signifies a common vision of developing the arts in the country.

Musicians Dennis Kalimbe of Ndirande Anglican Voices, Favoured Martha , Tommy Chitimatima, Eliza Mponya and The Mighty MUST band attended the event.

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