The Presidential, Parliamentary, and Local Government Elections (PPLGE) Act has increased penalties for electoral offences during the 2025 polls to a maximum of K10 million and imprisonment for five years.

According to section 115(a) of the PLGE states the offences related to a voter registration, including registering of minors, registering in multiple areas and providing false information

Meanwhile, the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) commissioner, Dr. Emmanuel Fabiano, emphasized during a stakeholder engagement at Luchenza in Thyolo that these penalties aim to ensure a credible general election.

Before the law was amended, the fine was K500,000, and imprisonment could be up to two years.

Both Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) Sapitwa region chairman Maxton Namaona hailed the Commission for the revised laws, which include punitive fines, while senior chief Ndalama has pledged to bring the changes to the community. The municipality will have five wards from the current eight to ensure efficiency.