Philanthropist and businesswoman, Triephornia Thomson Mpinganjira has promised to buy a new iPhone for well-known comedian Felistus Nya-uyu Ngwira of Vilekeke Kingdom.

The development follows her complaint on social media where she claimed that this coming Thursday there will no Mijedu program due to non-functional of her iPhone.

“My iPhone is broken I need sponsors nane nsaname Otherwise Thursday mijedo siyikhalako SKY ELECTRONICS M1 Electronics Malawi,” wrote Nya-uyu Ngwira.

The post ignited debate with many Malawians referring to Prophet Shepherd Bushiri of Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Jesus nation church for help.

But Mpingannjira offered to help her with a new iPhone.

“Will get you an iPhone . Check and remind me on 25th May,” wrote Mpinganjira.

The comedian has since hailed Mpinganjira for a swift response.

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