Police in Mzuzu have arrested Ausman Wasili 25, (ex-convict) for breaking, Gerald Banda and his son Gift for the offence of theft of motor cycle and Neverson Makandanje 33, for being found in possession of property suspected to have been stolen.

On April 4, 2024 Wasili was caught loitering around the house of Mrs Nkhata at Chasefu area within Mzuzu city with breaking implements disguising that he was a carpenter.

When the house owner came, she discovered that Wasili had forced open the front door of the house.

With the help of community members, he was caught and brought to Mzuzu Police where it was discovered that he had just been discharged from Mzuzu prison after saving a 3 year jail term on the same offence (breaking).

On the same day, police arrested Gerald Banda and his son Gift after tricking a motor cycle rider that they wanted to hire his motorcycle to ferry a patient at Mapale hospital.

When the rider realised that the suspects were taking forever, he reported the issue to the owner of the motorcycle who through global positioning system (GPS) managed to track the motorcycle in Mzimba.

With the help of community policing members, the suspects were arrested and brought to Mzuzu Police.

On the other hand, on April 5, 2024 police arrested Makandanje after being tipped that he received two plasma screens from Wiseman who is on police wanted list of criminals for breaking.

After being interviewed, he admitted to have had bought two plasma screens from Wiseman however, one plasma was sent to Blantyre.

Investigations are still underway to recover the other plasma and arrest Wiseman.

The 4 will appear before court soon after investigations.

Ausman Wasili hails from Zengelanja village, Traditional Authority Wasambo in Karonga district, Gerald and Gift Banda are from There village Traditional Authority Msakambewa in Dowa district while Neverson Makandanje hails from Chikunje, Traditional Authority Somba in Blantyre district.

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