In Machinga a group of 32 children between the ages of 7 to 13 have been removed from video shows and streets around Nselema Trading Centre.

The initiative has been conducted by a group of youth advocates under Power to Youth programme in partnership with community policing.

Group Village Headman (GVH) Nselema under the Senior Chief Kapoloma constituted this laws as one way of ensuring that children are going to school.

Cassin James, one the youth advocates said they were shocked with the alarming increase in numbers of children who were found in video shows during the time of classes.

He also added that as youths, they thought it wise to work hand in hand with local leaders in making sure that no child is being found in videos shows or selling merchandise during classes. They will be arresting those children and let their parents pay a fine which will be going to the GVH.

GVH Nselema has warned to deal with all the parents, guardians and video shows house owners acting contrary to his by-laws.

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