Chitipa United Head coach Mcnerbert Kazuwa and his assistant Elvis Kafoteka have stepped down their positions

Speaking in an interview with Chitipa assistant coach, Elvis Kafoteka said the players performance dropped soon after demolishing karonga united 4- 1. Since then they couldn’t get goals from all matches

“I tried my best to work with players to get goals but we couldn’t, so I felt the best was to pave way for someone to bring the fresh ideas to the team because Chitipa United has good players that deserves to be fighting for honors” he said

Senior secretary for the team Watson Kabaghe confirmed the development saying, they are looking forward to recruit other coaches but for now Gift Nathaniel Mkamanga and Wachisa Mukhondia will temporary take the positions

The development has come few hours after Mighty Mukuru Wanderers Nsazurwimo Ramadhan resigned as a head coach.

Chitipa united has 5 points after playing 8 games in TNM super League.

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