Joy Abilities Empowerment (JAE) has commended journalists for raising awareness sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR) services among persons with disabilities in the country.

JAE Project Officer, Limbani Kambauwa said that he observed that there are still gaps in reporting the subject matter hence the need for intensified efforts so that no one is left behind.

Kambauwa was saying this in Salima district during a media training.

The workshop aimed at equipping journalist with skills and knowledge on how to report SRHR issues among people with disabilities.

A reporter from Chisomo Radio Station, Noel Baulen, hailed the training and he described it as timely.

Baulen said they had been lacking skills and knowledge on how to report issues concerning people living with disabilities.

JAE is implementing a sexual reproductive health rights inclusiveness among women with disabilities in the area of Senior Chief Kalonga in Salima district with funds from Abilis Foundation.

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