A one-year-old child, has died in Machinga and six family members are receiving medical treatment at the hospital after eating a cassava suspected to be poisonous.

The deceased child, has been identified as Roshan Misolo who was from Mmaniwa village in the area of ​​King Mizinga in Machinga.

Village headman Mmaniwa, has confirmed the matter by saying that these people are members of the same family and they ate the cassava that people use to drain the water when cooking.

“Soon after eating the cassava, the child began to vomit continuously and became weak.

“After taking him to the hospital, the doctors assured us that the child is dead and later some members of the family also started vomiting and they are receiving medical help at the hospital where they have been admitted,” said Mmaniwa.

And the child’s grandmother, Hadija Misolo, said that when the doctors examined the child, they did not find him with any disease.

Meanwhile, the Chief of the area has said that he is concerned about the death saying that it has brought danger to the people of his area who depend on food like this cassava for hunger.

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