By: Mayamiko Phiri.

Women’s Legal Resources Centre (WOLREC) is engaging its stakeholders to enhance capacity building of its duty bearers in transformative programming.

The workshop which will run from Tuesday, 4th June – Wednesday 5th June and has attracted district technical working group from council’s in the southern region.

In her remarks, principal nutrition, HIV/ AIDS officer for Machinga district council Autile Sanyila said that the workshop is very vital as it will enlighten district technical working groups to make sure that all gender categories such as women, children and other marginalised groups such as youths and the physically challenged are effectively reached.

“As office bearers we have got a duty to make sure that all gender categories are being reached and empowered to effectively work in all districts.” said Sanyila.

In his remarks, one of the participants Edson Njembe who is district gender officer for Nsanje, stated that the workshop is very important as it will narrow the gap in addressing issues of gender based violence (GBV) and it will also tackle issues on how women can competitively particape decision making positions and to be independent economically.

Wolrec has organized the workshop with support from Oxfam.

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