Health workers across the country have called off the national wide strike following an injunction obtained by the Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda.

Yesterday Members of the National Organisation of Nurses and Midwives as well as the Physician Assistants Union of Malawi went on a nationwide strike aimed at forcing the Tonse Alliance goverment of President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera to hike tier allowances.

The strike placed the lives of many Malawians at risk as patients in public hospital were left unattended.

Industrial Relations Court Deputy Chairperson granted an order for urgent interim relief on Monday.

Reads part of the order: “Upon hearing counsel for the applicant; and upon reading the affidavit of Duff Msukwa and skeleton arguments in support of the application herein: It is ordered and directed as follows:

“That an order for urgent interim relief be and is hereby granted restraining the respondents through themselves, or through their members, agents or proxy howsoever from proceeding with the intended strike on 10 June, 2024 or any subsequent days thereto on the ground that they engage in an essential service; and.

“That the applicant file inter partes motion for urgent interim relief within 14 days from the date hereof,” reads the court order in part.

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