The president of Leadership with Compassion Party (LCP) Dr. Sally Kumwenda is saddened by the untimely death of the vice president of the Republic of Malawi honorable Dr. Saulos Chilima.

Dr. Kumwenda said that the vice president was an icon to the youth of Malawi as the youngest person to hold the position of the VP in Malawi.

“At no point did I envisioned Dr. Saulos Chilima departing the earth this early and in this manner. I have always viewed him as someone who could have done better leading Malawi as the main president than how others have done”

Lamenting on the circumstances that led to his death, Dr. Kumwenda says she wishes the search was conducted earlier.

“Normally when a plane crashes it ignites fire. But seeing that in this case there was no fire, I believe that a timely search should have brought us a different outcome. We have lost someone very vital to the history of Malawi. It is very difficult to simply accept this death. But may God console us all. Malawi has lost! May the soul of our beloved Vice President rest in peace”

However Dr. Kumwenda is asking the Malawi government under the leadership of president Dr. Lazarus Chakwera to involve international aviation experts, to establish the cause of the crash. As this is one way which may help Malawians to calm down.

“I am asking our president to dig deep on what exactly happened to the military plane carrying the vice president of the country for it to crash in the forest of Chikangawa. We all want to know so that we can understand this unfortunate incident. Other than that, bearing in mind the wrangles that have been there between our president and the vice president this incident will remain questionable to all of us. Fog alone is not enough to explain this terrifying incident to devastated Malawians.”

Dr. Kumwenda has asked all Malawians to remain calm and put everything in God’s hands while waiting for the tangible explanation from the government of Malawi.

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