Mangochi First Grade Magistrate Court has convicted and sentenced a 24 years old lady who is said to be commercial sex worker, to spend six and half years in prison after being found guilty of injuring her friend, Ellina Banda with a glass bottle following a quarrel.

State Prosecutor, Sub Inspector Ted Namaona of Mangochi Police Station identified the convict as Shakira Kenesi charged with an act intended to cause grievous harm, contrary to Section 235 of the Penal Code.

He told the court that during the night of April 11 this year, at Greenland bar in Mangochi, Kenesi attacked and unlawfully harmed Elina Banda who sustained deep cuts.

“She harmed Banda with a broken bottle, which caused some deep cuts on her back, arm, head and one eye” said Namaona.

However, appearing before First Grade Magistrate, Roy Kakutu, Kenesi pleaded not guilty to charge, which prompted the state to parade witnesses that proved the case beyond reasonable doubt.

The court therefore convicted the accused based on the facts presented. In mitigation, the convict asked for court’s leniency, saying she was a first offender and a bread winner in her family.

In his submission, the state prosecutor observed that although Kenesi was a first offender, the offence she committed was serious and could have cost her friend`s life.

He prayed for a stiff punishment for Kenesi so that she could be reformed to a better person.

Passing the sentence, First Grade Magistrate Kakutu slapped the convict with a 78 months’ jail term which translates to six and half years IHL, to serve as a lesson to would be offenders.

Shakira Kenesi comes from Chipalamawamba Village, Traditional Authority Mponda in Mangochi District.


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