The Public Accounts Committee of parliament has summoned the secretary to the president and cabinet Colleen Zamba to provide answers concerning Covid funds that have been pending regarding Audit reports and others.

The development has come after the report revealed that the money for covi-19 response was mis-used by government agencies through dubious payments of allowances, suspicious procurements, wrong accounting among others amounting 17.2 Billion meant.

Speaking in an interview with PAC chairperson, Mark Botomani revealed that the committee would like to know the action taken by the government so far regarding the outstanding 17.2 billion kwacha covid-19 audit report.

Botoman added that, the committee would like Zamba to explain why some important government positions are not being filled despite falling vacant for some time the country does not have chief immigration officer and Anti-Corruption Bureau director general after the two bodies heads, Charles Kalumo and Martha Chizuma, respectively, left offices.

Meanwhile, spokesperson in the office of President and Cabinet, Robert Kalindiza assured that Collen Zamba will be appear in parliament.

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