Amid ongoing protests against the Finance Bill 2024, renowned actress Lupita Ngong’o has voiced her support for the Kenyan youth.

Her message comes just hours after a tumultuous day in Nairobi, where protesters breached Parliament, causing significant damage.

In her statement, she said, “I salute Kenyan youth and I am grateful to them for coming together in an extraordinary way to stand up against the problematic Finance Bill 2024 as well as defend and promote the democratic rights of the Kenyan people.

She acknowledged the tragic loss of lives during the protests, extending her condolences to the victims’ families.

“I am extremely saddened that lives have been lost in the process, and my thoughts are with victims’ families Lupita added.

Her message also called for the Kenyan government to address the concerns raised by the protesters.

“May the government of Kenya aim to peacefully unify the nation by hearing and addressing the concerns about bad governance that are rightfully being raised,” she concluded, using the hashtag #RejectFinanceBill2024 to emphasize her stance.

The protests on Tuesday, June 25, took a dramatic turn when angry youth overpowered security and stormed the Parliament building.

The protesters caused significant damage, looting and breaking various items within the premises.

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