It never rains but pours for FCB Nyasa Big Bullets as sheriffs this morning seized the team bus and other items. The matter at hand involves their former head coach, Franco Ndawa, who the club fired on August 22, 2016, just hours after the team lost to Mafco FC in the Carlsberg Cup quarter-final clash at Civo Stadium. The decision to fire Ndawa was made by the then Noel Lipipa-led executive committee.

Ndawa subsequently took the matter to court and won the case, with the court ordering Bullets to pay him K25 million. The current leadership decided to appeal the judgment, but before they could gather the necessary documents, the sheriffs made an unexpected visit and took away valuable items, including the team bus.

Court clerk, Kondwani Banda, mentioned that he is currently in Lilongwe and cannot confirm the matter. However, Times 360 Malawi has reported that the bus is locked in the High Court premises in Blantyre. Bullets officials have not yet commented on the situation.

Source: Times 360 Malawi and Wa Ganyu

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