South African popular Deejay, DJ Tira, who is also a renowned Afrotainment record label boss, is set to appear in the High Court on Friday, June 28, in a defamation case against singer Luke Ntombela.

This development comes in the wake of allegations made by singer Luke Ntombela, who claimed that she may have been sexually violated by DJ Tira after allegedly waking up naked in his bed, with no memory of what had transpired.

In May, Luke took to Facebook to share her account of the alleged incident, along with screenshots of purported WhatsApp conversations with DJ Tira, where she pleaded with him to explain the events.

In response, DJ Tira issued a cease and desist letter to Luke, but she challenged him to take her to court, stating that she would continue to speak freely and publicly about the allegations. During an interview with DJ Sbu on Radio 2000, DJ Tira, accompanied by his wife, Gugu Khathi, expressed his intention to allow the law to take its course.

Gugu emphasized that their family is often targeted whenever they are working on significant projects, suggesting that the current situation is a distraction from their endeavors, including the upcoming Hollywoodbets Durban July marquee.

Gugu also acknowledged her familiarity with Luke and stated that she harbors no ill will towards her. However, she explained that the decision to pursue legal action was driven by the need to protect their business relationships, as the allegations have had a negative impact on their partnerships and sponsorships.

Source:MDN News

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