Author Toni Tone has sparked controversy with her recent comments on marriage, claiming it isn’t an achievement.

On her Twitter page, she argued that too much emphasis is placed on the act of getting married rather than on the experiences and life that come after the wedding.

According to her, marriage should not be seen as the ultimate goal; instead, the focus should be on the quality of life that follows.

Her words:

“Getting married isn’t an achievement. Fols get married every day. Along marriage? We all know a misreable longstanding couple. People prize the status too much, and disregard the EXPERIENCE. Are they even happy? Did they even marry their dream person? Are they being cherished?

If you marry someone who treats you badly, who wasn’t your first or even second choice, and who has you feeling unloved day to day – there are people who will still clap for you because wahey at least you got married!!! As if marriage on its own is the ultimate goal. So dumb.

Not some men being mad at me for saying marriage by itself is not an achievement. They want y’all to see marriage as the prize sooooo bad. It’s because if we hype status and disregard EXPERIENCE, then giving us a ring is enough. They don’t actually have to be good husbands

Do you know what’s funny. The “why were you happy about your engagement?” ppl. What don’t you get about experience over status? The achievement is in having and sustaining a positive relationship! Not simply getting engaged. If I got engaged to a villain, is it an achievement?!”

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