Leadership with Compassion Party president Dr. Sally Kumwenda has decided to stop the party’s aspiring candidate Chipiliro Monday from continuing with the process.

The development has happened after the party accomplished all the necessary steps to get their candidate on the ballot paper.

According to the LCP NEC the candidate started demanding money from them for various uses including for issuing handouts to prospective voters. The issue became out of hand and the NEC members in Mangochi reported it to the president who then ordered for the candidate to be disqualified.

Speaking to this reporter, Dr. Kumwenda said it it is against LCP principles as well as MEC laws for a party to campaign using handouts.

“What Malawi need is mindset change. Gone should be days when voting people into crucial leaderships like government ones must be based on handouts. Malawians need to know that it is such malpractices that have always led them to opt for wrong leaders. As a country we all need to understand that true leaders come from God and therefore can not be bought with money.

“LCP is not desperate to take over government to the extent of wanting to buy people to vote for us. It is up to Malawians to choose true leadership through LCP or not. The people who go to the extent of issuing handouts to be voted for are those who deep down their hearts know that they are not there for the goodwill of the people but for personal gains. That is not the reason why LCP was established ”

Dr. Kumwenda says that in as far as the party is concerned, they will not allow anyone who is not ready to change their mindset to contest for any position in the party because LCP wants to produce a team that is not identified by the name “a ndale” tricksters, but by the name of true and compassionate leaders.

“In my party we don’t want people who applaud themselves to be expert tricksters (a ndale) but to be expert leaders” She said.

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