1. What’s Your Biggest Dream?

This question encourages the other person to open up about their aspirations and desires. By discussing their biggest dream, you can gain insight into their passions and motivations. It also allows you to show empathy and support for their goals, fostering a sense of closeness and understanding.

2. What’s Your Most Cherished Memory?

Asking about cherished memories prompts the person to share significant moments from their life that have brought them joy and fulfillment. This can create a bond as you learn about the experiences that have shaped them. It also allows for the sharing of personal and vulnerable moments, which can deepen emotional intimacy.

3. What Do You Value Most in a Friendship or Relationship?

This question helps uncover the person’s core values and what they prioritize in their relationships. Understanding what they value most can help you align your actions and behaviors with their expectations, creating a stronger and more meaningful connection. It also provides an opportunity to discuss mutual values and establish common ground.

Source: newsblenda.com

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