In a shocking turn of events, the Lingadzi police station in Lilongwe has arrested a 45-year-old imposter, Chipiliro Mbewe, for criminal simulation and rape.

Lingadzi Police Station Publicist Sergeant Cassim Manda said the suspect impersonated a deceased village headman, claiming he was brought back to life by a self-proclaimed prophet who is currently at large.

In late 2023, the prophet approached the mourners in Mtandile township and convinced them that he could resurrect the chief, who had passed away earlier that year.

He then found Mbewe, cut his hair, and gave him nice clothes to pose as the resurrected chief. Despite bearing no resemblance to the late chief, the prophet persuaded the mourners to accept Mbewe, promising that his face would return to its natural state in the future.

Mbewe lived with the late chief’s wife and even married two other women, exhibiting suspicious behavior, including heavy drinking and smoking.

When the family grew suspicious, they took the matter to Senior Group Village headman Mwenera, where Mbewe confessed that the prophet had instructed him to pose as the late chief.

The police are currently investigating the fugitive prophet and urging the public to be vigilant against false prophets and scammers.

“Anyone with information about similar cases is encouraged to come forward,” said Lingadzi police.

Mbewe will face charges of criminal simulation and rape for impersonating the widow’s husband.

The suspect is from Zuze village, Traditional Authority Kaphuka, in Dedza district.


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