The Senior Resident Magistrate Court in Limbe has convicted and sentenced Foster Mathewe Said, 25, to 18 years in prison with hard labor for sexually assaulting a 6 year old girl.

The court heard that, Saidi on June 21, at around 20:00 hours had lured the child to his house under false pretense of sharing relish to her since she was having supper and he perpetrated the crime against her when she entered into his house.

According to the State Prosecutor Sub Inspector Jessie Mombe, the victim’s mother reported the incident to Nkolokoti Police Unit after noticing her daughter’s distress and difficulties in walking.

Prosecutor Mombe further told the court that, Medical reports from Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital confirmed the assault.

In his court appearance Saidi pleaded guilty and expressed remorse in his mitigation where he asked for a lenient sentence.

In her submissions, Prosecutor Mombe argued for a severe sentence to deter potential offenders and acknowledge the profound psychological impact on the victim.

Senior Resident Magistrate Ackia Mwanyongo agreed and therefore, slapped Saidi with a lengthy 18 year jail sentence with hard labour.

Foster Mathewe Saidi hails from Mkawela village in the area of Senior Chief Inkosi Bvumbwe in Thyolo District.

In a related development, Benjamin Hhlema, 30, on July 17, 2024 was convicted and sentenced to 3 years in prison with hard labor for indecently assaulting an 8-year-old girl in Machinjiri Township.

The case was presided over by Senior Resident Magistrate Gift Msume and prosecuted by Sub Inspector Jessie Mombe.

Benjamin Hhlema is from Emueni village in the area of Traditional Authority Mtwalo in Mzimba


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