President of Leadership with Compassion Party (LCP) President Dr. Sally Kumwenda says the Chilaweni Ward by elections results does not reflect the true will of the people.

Kumwenda says she suspects something fishy to have taken place as the people of Chilaweni Ward openly expressed their love for LCP and their candidate Mr. Lucius Kasonya.

“LCP members were campaigning tirelessly throughout Chilaweni Ward and the videos I was being sent clearly showed that people exclusively loved our candidate Mr Lucius Kasonya. Mr Kasonya is well known in the Ward for having done so many charity works before joining LCP. And this I was being told by all chiefs in the Ward through videos whenever my team is in a particular area campaigning. Many political parties also acknowledged that the candidate they respected and feared most was our candidate. And have also expressed shock for the outcome. We have many videos of our campaign even if anyone can see them all, they would equally be shocked” She said.

Kumwenda went to say that the truth shall prevail.

“People who play dubious campaigns don’t go freely even if they are declared winners. There will always be a spirit of conviction within them, God banging their hearts for their deception. I believe that the truth of what really happened will prevail because I am a God fearing woman. Let us hope that the declared winner will assist the ward as it should have been done by our party”

Dr. Kumwenda also warned people who put money first to reflect on their actions to learn that doing so is against God.

“My advice to people who are fond of putting money first is to seek God’s guidance to stop such an ungodly behavior because God Himself clearly states that money is the root cause of all evils. If they keep on making people win just because they have given them money, Malawi will never change and their personal lives will continue to deteriorate. True leaders don’t buy leadership they earn it” She added.

In Chilaweni Ward, Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) declared Independent Candidate Maxwell Phiri as winner after amassing 1,882 votes.

Anthony Mitambo of the United Democratic Front (UDF) got 635 votes, followed by Reuben Lungu of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) who amassed 467 votes.

Ted Kaliati from the People’s Development Party (PDP) got 392 votes, while George Chiluma, an independent candidate had 203 votes.

Bernard Nteche of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) got 142 votes whereas Kasonya of the Leadership with Compassion Party (LCP) amassed 54 votes and lastly, Allan Chikomo from the Umodzi Party (UP)got 17 votes to his name.

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