Former President Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda’s official hostess Mama Cecelia Kadzamira is appearing in the High Court in Lilongwe today.

Kadzamira is answering questions of how she acquired Tichirenji Farm in Mchinji which belonged to politician Elias Kaphwiti Banda.

The Kaphwiti Banda family, who got hold of the farm in 1968, claim that the farm still belongs to them.

Under cross examination from the Kaphwiti Banda lawyer Wapona Kita, Mama Kadzamira told the court that she got the land from former President Kamuzu Banda in 1972 although there she does not have evidence if the land was transferred from the family to Kamuzu Banda.

Faceofmalawi will keep you updated on the matter.

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