Two people have drowned in Lake Malawi in Nkhotakota district under different circumstances.
Nkhunga police publicist Andrew Kamanga has said  that the first incident happened at Banga Beach on Friday last week in Traditional Authority (T/A) Kanyenda when Lightwell Phiri aged 59, went fishing.
Relatives of Kanyenda started searching for him after noticing that he did not return, but that did not yield to anything.
Said Kamanga: “Phiri’s body was found the following day near Banga Beach Resort by people who were swimming and they alerted us.”
The second incident happened at Ndola Beach on Wednesday last week, in T/A Kafuzira where the body of unidentified man believed to be in his forties was discovered by women who went to the lake to clean their cooking utensils.
Kamanga said it is believed that the man went there to swim but was pushed by strong waves to a deeper part of the lake where he consequently drowned.
Postmortem results conducted at Nkhunga Health Centre established that the two died due to suffocation, secondary to drowning.
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