United Transformation Movement (UTM) Secretary General Patricia Kaliati has come out of her cocoon to comment on the departure of Minister of Tourism Vera Kamtukule from the party to the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

Speaking in an interview with the press Kaliati said Kamtukule was not a member of United Transformation Movement (UTM).

She said as party is not worried with Kamtukule’s move to join MCP.

“As UTM we are not worried with Kamtukule’s move to join MCP because she was never one of the UTM members. Kamtukule contested in her constituency on an independent ticket,” said Kaliati.

Kaliati said Kamtukule was like a supporter who puts on Nyasa Big Bullets jersey but she is not a registered supporter of BB.

She also quashed rumours that all is not well in UTM.

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