Well-known social media influencer Joshua Chisa Mbele has hailed Minister of Tourism Vera Kamtukule for defecting to the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

Kamtukule announced her resignation from United Transformation Movement (UTM) today at MCP regional headquarters.

Writing on his official facebook page Chisa Mbele said Vera’s decision is deliberate and focused decision.

“Vera has made a deliberate and focused decision. It’s in her conscience to serve her country and people to the best of her abilities.

“No doubt about her capabilities. She is one of the very best Cabinet Ministers. SKC had an inborn talent when it came to identifying people with leadership qualities,” wrote Chisa Mbele.

He added: “Vera and Usi are just few notable examples.Joining MCP is a clear sign of seeing the future it its perfect frame. Foresight.

“Her coming over to MCP is an affirmation that says Boma ndi Lomweli. Chipani ndi Chomwechi.”

Meanwhile, UTM Secretary General Patricia Kaliati has disowned Kamtukule.

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