United Transformation Movement (UTM) Campaign Director Makwenda Chunda has stated that the party does not accept the findings in the preliminary report on the plane crash released by the German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accident Investigation (BFU).

Chunda made these remarks during the memorial event for Dr. Saulos Chilima, organized by the party at Masintha Ground in Lilongwe.

The Campaign Director suggested the establishment of a special commission of inquiry to investigate the plane crash. He proposed that this commission should include representatives from various sectors, such as the legal profession, state house employees, the national legal body, and senior judges. It would be the commission’s responsibility to appoint experts to conduct a thorough investigation into the crash.

Last Friday, the BFU released a preliminary report on the plane crash that killed former vice president and UTM leader Dr. Saulos Chilima, along with eight others.

However, the report has not been well received by many Malawians, who feel it has not sufficiently explained the cause of the crash. Malawians are eagerly awaiting the final report, which is expected to be released next year.

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