By: Lovemore Katanda

Chiefs under the banner’ Malawi Chewa Heritage’ have announced that the first ever Chewa cultural festival called ‘chifukwato cha a chewa’ will be held in October at paramount Chief Lundu’s headquarters in Chikwawa district this year.

Speaking during the interface meeting with chiefs at senior chief Nchilamwera’s headquarters in Thyolo district,group village headman Sosola who is also the interim chairperson for the grouping said preparations are at an advanced stage at mbewe headquarters in Chikwawa,adding that people are contributing generously towards the event.

“Our budget for this function is mk 300,000,000.00.we will announce specific date in due course but it is within October “, he said.

Sosola said the idea to hold Chewa cultural festival came about after realizing that people were walking long distance to nkaika in zambia to pay homage to Kalonga Gawa undi who is a king for chewas from Malawi,Zambia and Mozambique instead of doing the same to paramount Lundu.

“We want to correct things.our king here is paramount Lundu.Kalonga Gawa Undi is in Zambia and he is a king for his people in Zambia,” explained Sosola.

While also echoing Sosola’s sentiments,senior chief Kaomba of Kasungu district said integrity and self reliance are key pillars for Malawi to attain sustainable development and achieve economic growth.

Kaomba in his presentation implored fellow traditional leaders to desist from any form of corruption when dealing with cases among their subjects,saying the vice hinders development and displays lack of love among people.

The chief further asked people to embrace modern irrigation methods and work hard in their fields to achieve food security and make meaningful contribution to the national development.

Kaomba said’ we also here to encourage each other to work hard in the fields.The introduction of mega farms if fully utilized would enable every district across the country to produce more,”

In his remarks,senior chief Nchilamwera of Thyolo district expressed his gratitude over the arrangement of chifukwato cha a chewa ceremony,saying the event is a true reflation of Malawian culture.

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