Information sourced by this publication indicates that Roads Fund Administration (RFA) has threatened to sue Local Contractors if they proceed with the impending takeover of Chingeni in Ntcheu and Kalinyeke in Dedza over unpaid Mk15 billion.

The Local Contractors under Malawi Building, Civil Engineering and Allied Trade Association (Mabcata) have on several times engaged RFA and the Ministry of Transport on the matter but the effort has failed to yield any positive results.

Two weeks ago the Local Contractors held vigils at RFA offices with an aim of pushing for RFA to pay them but this also failed.

Then the Local Contractors resorted in planning to takeover and open the two tollgates on September 24, 2024 which is next week.

The plan has seen RFA through its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Stewart Malata threatening to drag to court the Local Contractors.

“In view of the threat to the security and safety of the tolling infrastructure, staff, revenues, we are proceeding to have recourse to legal action for purposes of security and safeguarding our toll staff, tolling infrastructure, and the tolling revenues, “reads in part the letter addressed to MABCATA Chairperson Kondwani Kadango dated September 12, 2024.

Effort to talk to Kadango proved futile on the matter.

But one of the Local Contractors who opted for anonymity blasted the threat by RFA, saying all they want is RFA to pay them.

“Instead of paying us they are threatening us. Some of our fellow Contractors are now living in fear of lawsuit,” he said.

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