After years of being out of the public eye, Christopher Minie, the actor who portrayed the titular character in the critically acclaimed movie ‘Johnny Mad Dog’ in 2008, has recently resurfaced on social media.
In an interview with Liberia Star View, Minie opened up about his personal struggles, including a long battle with addiction. Now a father of four, he shared his desire to turn his life around by going back to school and starting a small business to support his family.
Minie also revealed that he and four other cast members of the movie still receive modest financial support from French filmmaker, producer and screenwriter Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire, the director and owner of Johnny Mad Dog.
Additionally, he mentioned that they participated in another film, Mariyaan, which was shot across India, Pakistan, and another country.
At the close of the interview, Minie emphasized his determination to rebuild his life and appealed to the public for assistance to help him achieve his goals.