Chitipi Police Unit in Lilongwe has arrested three men for allegedly stealing 71 bags of cement, two computers among other items, valued at K6 million at a certain cement blocks factory at Njewa on 3 December 2024.

According to Lilongwe Police Deputy Public Relations Officer, Constable Khumbo Sanyiwa, the suspects have been identified as Andrew Chikadza, 27, Mathews Chirwa, 29, and Mustafa Makwinja, 32.

Sanyiwa said on the said date at around midnight, eight criminals armed with panga knives invaded the company premises where they tied up security guards before breaking into the office and steal the said items.

Following the suspect’s arrest, Chitipi Police detectives have also recovered the stolen 71 bags of cement, two desktop computers, two solar batteries, a solar inverter and a security light among others.

Investigations are underway to trace and arrest the other five suspects who are on the run.

The suspects will be taken to court soon to answer breaking and robbery charges.

Andrew Oliver Chikadza hails from Galuwawo Village, Traditional Authority (T/A) Lukwa, Kasungu, Mathews Chirwa comes from Makuta Village, T/A Malengachanzi, Nkhotakota, whilst Mustafa Makwinja hails from Nanthenje Village, T/A, Phambala in Dedza District.