Police in Balaka have arrested a 28-year-old man, Edward Zero Muyaya, for allegedly being found in possession of petroleum products without a permit.

The incident happened at Phalula Trading Centre where the suspect was found in possession of two jerrycans containing 140 litres of Petrol.

On the material day, Police Detectives from Phalula Police Unit were conducting patrol duties around Phalula Trading Centre and while patrolling, they were tipped that someone was keeping some plastic jerrycans of Petrol within the trading centre.

Upon following the tip, 140 litres of Petrol were recovered from the suspect’s stores near Phalula Market where people were also living in the next rooms.

This led to the arrest of the suspect and seizure of Petrol has been made.

The suspect, Edward Zero Muyaya, who comes from Chimzongo Village in Traditional Authority Nsamala in Balaka, will appear before court soon to answer a charge of found in possession of petroleum products without a permit.