A 40-year-old man, identified as Kumbukani Chiliza from Jumbe Village in Traditional Authority Phambala in Ntcheu District has died in a road accident in Balaka after felling from a moving motor vehicle he was traveling in.

The accident which happened at TNM Tower near Phalula Trading Centre, involved a motor vehicle registration number BT 1159 Hinno lorry, driven by Lloyd Edward aged 36, from Golimchimanga Village in Traditional Authority Mpando in Ntcheu District.

Traffic report indicates that the driver was driving from direction of Senzani heading Phalula along Chingeni-Zalewa M1 Road with ten passengers on board and upon arrival at TNM Tower near Phalula Trading Centre, one of the passengers (Kumbukani Chiliza) fell down from the moving vehicle and sustained head injuries.

Kumbukani Chiliza was taken to Balaka District Hospital where he died while receiving treatment and the motor vehicle had no damages.

Meanwhile, the driver has been detained for further investigations of the accident to find out the main cause of the accident.