United Transformation Movement (UTM) spokesperson Felix Njawala has asked President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera to walk the talk in his message delivered yesterday during Umodzi Day celebrations in Mzuzu City.

“Where there is no unity, there can’t be development, you can’t find people constructing a bridge because they will be busy fighting for land.

“Without peace, you can’t find people constructing a hospital, because they will be busy pointing fingers at each other that whatever ailments occur, is because of witchcraft,” said Chakwera.

But in a statement Njawala has questioned the sincerity of the Chakwera’s statement.

“Yesterday, the President preached peace—a message we all value. But peace is not just a word; it demands action. Sadly, the ruling party’s actions often undermine this call.

“As elections near, the National Registration Bureau (NRB) refuses to heed concerns from stakeholders, raising doubts about its fairness. Senior ruling party members are reportedly financing thugs armed with pangas, directly threatening the peace being preached,” said Njawala.

He added: “Even more alarming is the conduct of some police officers. Instead of protecting citizens, they collaborate with thugs to disrupt peaceful demonstrations. Videos of thugs visibly committing crimes while police stand by, failing to arrest them, are deeply troubling.

“Peace is achievable when leaders uphold justice, institutions act with fairness, and the police enforce the law impartially. The ruling party must lead by example. Let us align our actions with our words and safeguard the peace Malawians deserve.”

Opposition political parties shunned the Umodzi Day celebrations in Mzuzu.