Police at Mitundu in Lilongwe on December 28, 2024 arrested Blessings Jubani, 28, for illegal possession of a live pangolin at Kambalanje Trading Centre in the district, at around 09:00 hours.

On the said date police officers while patrolling within the trading centre intercepted a motorcycle with two people on board. And the pillion passenger carried a small black bag at his back.

Suspiciously, upon seeing the police officers, the said passenger dropped the bag and started to runway, a thing that prompted the law enforcers search the bag.

This is when they discovered the pangolin hidden, and immediately arrested the motorcycle rider (Jubani).

Currently, the live pangolin has been handed over to Lilongwe Wildlife Center.

The suspect will appear in court soon to face a charge of Found in Possession of Pangolin Without a Permit.

Blessings Jubani hails from Maonga Village, Traditional Authority Changata in Thyolo District.